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National Children’s Awards 2023

THANK YOU ALL - With boundless gratitude and hearts full of joy, love Rachel 👩🏼, Oscar 🦧 and Mabel 🐒 xxx

Today, I am bursting with excitement and joy as I share some incredible news with you all. Munchkin and Me has been named a FINALIST in the prestigious What's On 4 Kids UK National Awards for 2023 in the Most Loved Baby Activity Category! 🌟

This recognition would not have been possible without the incredible support and encouragement from all of you — parents, caregivers, and the amazing Munchkins who support us everyday. 🙏

Your trust and belief in Munchkin and Me have made this happen, and we can't thank you enough for being a part of it. Love Rachel 👩🏼, Oscar 🦧 and Mabel 🐒 xxx

The journey to this point has been nothing short of amazing. It all started with a passion for enriching the lives of babies and children, a dream, and lots of hard work. And now, here we are, thrilled and amazed to be recognised in this National competition.

The What's On 4 Kids Awards celebrate excellence in children's activities, classes, clubs, and party entertainment across the UK. Just to be considered for such a prestigious honour is a testament to the dedication and love we pour into what we do and that includes all of you who have supported Munchkin and Me.

This recognition wouldn't have been possible without the babies and toddlers who inspire us with their boundless energy and curiosity, and, of course, YOU, the amazing parents and carers who trust us with your most precious Munchkins.

But it doesn't stop here….

Being a finalist is an incredible achievement, but we're not resting on our laurels. It's a reminder that we have set the bar high, and we're determined to keep pushing those boundaries.

The real magic lies in the smiles on the children's faces when they come to Munchkin and Me and meet Oscar 🦧 and Mabel 🐒, the laughter that fills our sessions, AND the friendships that blossom during our activities for both you and your Munchkin.

As we gear up for the What's On 4 Kids UK National Awards ceremony, we're filled with a sense of excitement, gratitude, and anticipation. Win or lose, we're already winners in our hearts, thanks to the incredible support we've received from you all.

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Your support, your trust, and your enthusiasm continues to drive us forward.

Stay tuned for updates as we prepare for the awards ceremony, and in the meantime, let's continue to celebrate the joy, laughter, and learning that fill the lives of our Munchkins every day. After all, that's what it's all about!

With heartfelt thanks and boundless enthusiasm, love Rachel 👩🏼, Oscar 🦧 and Mabel 🐒 xxx