Mini-Munchkin Sessions
Sensory play and fun for your littlest people, from birth to those first steps (0 to 2 years of age)
Our Mini-Munchkins© sessions are aimed at babies from birth and are sensory-style classes with a story-themed twist! The sessions are designed for both baby and you (parents and carers) and encourage new friendships to bloom and grow as well as to support your little one’s early development.
Sensory Stimulation From Birth
From birth to those first steps. The Mini-Munchkin baby sessions are special because they support you and your Munchkin as you navigate the challenges of the first year of parenting.
Sessions are delivered through simple multi-sensory stories incorporating fun developmental play activities, rhyme, song, simple baby sign-language.
We have lots of fabulous sensory props (suitable from birth) to support and encourage your baby’s development and bring our weekly story to life.
We use music, song, rhyme, lights and bubbles to create a stimulating sensory environment for your mini-munchkins and introduce some simple baby sign language, colourful props, backgrounds and simple repetition at the start and end of each weekly session so even our youngest munchkins will quickly recognise what is coming next.
Once weaned, we will also introduce you and your little one to the wonderful world of messy play (often edible!). So do be prepared to take home a well-fed and messy-munchkin after sessions!
Fun Developmental Activities
At Munchkin and Me® all of our sessions are designed and planned by Rachel using her Early Years teaching experience and recent training as a Norfolk Communications Champion for Parent and Toddler Group Leaders.
All of the activities are designed to stimulate your babies senses and encourage and support their development in all areas.
Our story-style sensory sessions will introduce simple story telling, rhyme and song through sight, sound, smell, touch and taste (for our weaned munchkins). Munchkin and Me® mini munchkin sessions provide an immersive sensory-story experience for you and your munchkin to share and enjoy.
Puppet Play
Even our youngest babies love our giant puppets, Oscar Orangutan and Mabel Monkey.
Adored by all Munchkins, we find babies of all ages excitedly reacting and engaging with them in song and play.
Supporting You
Our sessions also have strong emphasis on supporting you (parents/carers) along your journey with your Baby. We encourage you to develop invaluable friendships and bonds between all our families.
We recognise the importance of strong communities and networks and always set-aside time for you to chat whilst your babies are being stimulated by the sensory-play environment.
Why Attend our Mini Munchkin Sessions?
Building on your baby’s development, create special one-to-one moments, gain ideas and confidence.
Interact and socialise with other parents/carers. Munchkin and Me® offers an ideal welcoming place to meet new parents/carers. You become part of our community and will be supported and encouraged to share ideas, bond, ask questions, create memories and experiences together.
Explore different stories every week in a safe magical environment designed to enhance and develop your baby’s well-being
Every session is designed and planned with your baby and your needs in mind
Rachel, our founder, is a qualified and experienced early years teacher, and a mummy - you will be in good hands!