Useful Services
Here to help you
Provides free, confidential and impartial advice and guidance on funded early education and childcare, home learning and related services in Norfolk, including:
Funded early education and childcare for 2-year-olds
Funded early education and childcare for all 3 and 4-year-olds
30 hours entitlement for working parents
Help you can get with childcare costs, including childcare for working parents
Types of early education and childcare providers, including childminders, pre-schools, nurseries and out of school childcare
Help finding childcare - we maintain and update the details of registered providers in the county in the Norfolk Community Directory
Playing and learning at home and activities for children and young people
We can signpost you to other services and useful sources of information
Just One Norfolk website - health advice and support for children and families. You can access a free online parenting course on the website. Use the offer code JON70
Children’s health and well-being and Being 2 in Norfolk
Early childhood and family services for families with children age 0-5 years
Early help and family support services for families who are experiencing difficulties
Keeping children safe and what to do if you have concerns
SEND Local Offer services for children and families with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND); Norfolk SEND Partnership which is a free, confidential and impartial service offering families advice on the law regarding SEND
Useful Link
Norfolk’s Early Childhood and Family Service (ECFS) offers support for all parents and carers with children aged 0 to 5 years.
Get in Touch - call 0344 800 8020 or Email ecfs at:
While you're pregnant, you will normally see a small number of healthcare professionals regularly, led by your midwife or doctor. They want to make you feel as comfortable as possible while you're pregnant and when you have your baby.
At Munchkin and me we support every mother’s right to choose how they feed their baby. Should you decide to breastfeed and require support, there is help and support available.
To find out more, visit NHS Choices or Just One Norfolk
Breastfeeding support and advice is offered to all families in Norfolk through the health visiting service.
For more information speak to your health visitor or visit the NHS website to find out more about breastfeeding support groups across the county.
You can also contact the National Breastfeeding Helpline 365 days a year on 0300 100 0212.
You can find support by joining `Just One Norfolk Parents, an online community. This is run by NHS Norfolk Children & Young People's Service
Useful link: Lactation Motivation
Is a free breastfeeding support service for local mums and they offer support in Norfolk please visit the link above for more information:
Other Useful Links:
There are over 150 sling libraries across the UK with more starting up each month.
What is a sling library? Like traditional (book) libraries and toy libraries, sling libraries’ main role is to loan out slings and carriers and to offer advice and information on babywearing.
Each one is run by volunteers and they run in different ways, meeting anywhere from weekly to monthly in someone’s home, a children’s centre, community venue, play centre or library.
Some run alongside Sling Meets which are more informal gatherings of sling lovers who meet to socialise and share information about their slings, carriers and experiences.
Some make a small charge for attending a library session and almost all charge hire fees and a deposit. If you are new to Babywearing and keen to try different slings before you buy, a sling library can be a good option.
Often sling library sessions are very busy and some sling libraries operate numbering systems so that as people arrive they are given a number and ‘served’ in order.
The focus of the sessions is both giving advice and hiring out slings, though a sling library session isn’t always the best place to get in-depth advice or to try something new like a back carry. You may get time to see how to use a new sling or carrier or to find one to hire that meets your needs but in a busy session you may not get more than 5 – 10 minutes of individual attention.
How do I know what slings they will have? Many sling libraries have websites and Facebook pages which may list the slings and carriers they have, although that may not mean that all are available to hire at the next session.
Some operate booking systems for the most popular carriers.
It’s always worth contacting them in advance if you do have a particular carrier or type in mind or you can attend a session and see what’s available.
tink 'n' stink
Is a leading resource shop for children and adults. tink ‘n’ stink offer products that specifically support customers with learning disabilities such as Dyslexia, Autism and ADHD.
Unit 8 Cheatles Bridge,
Dog Lane, Bodymoor Heath,
Warwickshire, B76 9JD
Telephone: 01827 767120
See their page:
Baby Basics is a volunteer-led project aiming to support new mothers and families who are struggling to meet the financial and practical burden of looking after a new baby.
If you or someone you know needs support please visit Baby Basics Norfolk social media pages for all their contact details.