Here To Support You Too

Support For You

Both our Mini Munchkins and our Story Explorers sessions start with a ‘play-along story time’ which is a chance for you and your munchkin to share special time together interacting and engaging in the multi-sensory story experience.

You will learn songs, actions and simple sign that will help you bring stories to life at home too! See more in our Munchkin Hub section. Every activity is designed to be stimulating and fun for you and your munchkin whilst supporting and encouraging your little one’s development.

You can also read more about Early Years development here: Early Years and Play.

The second part of the session provides an opportunity for parents and carers to chat and get to know one another in a relaxed and friendly environment whilst their little ones explore the sensory ‘play-stations’.

We are constantly delighted to witness wonderful friendships being made among the parents and carers who attend.

We focus on grown-ups too

The ‘Me’ in Munchkin and Me® is….YOU! The parents, carers, grandparents, nannies or family members who bring your munchkin along each week. When Rachel created Munchkin and me, she intended the ‘me’ to be as important as the ‘Munchkin’.

As a mummy of 2 herself, Rachel fully understood how important and how comforting it can be to have friends with children of a similar age. Friends and supportive communities, who can understand and relate to the huge range of emotions, that comes with caring for a baby or toddler are therefore at the heart of Munchkin and Me® values.

We know and understand the bewildering array of emotions you might experience as a parent/carer.

Be it …..

Utter exhaustion, sleep deprivation, the joy of each new development, a baby who won’t stop crying, a first smile, painful breasts, mum/dad guilt, parent/grandparent pride, sense of helplessness, first steps, traumatic birth memories, first amazing words, colic, teething pains, the joy of snuggles, first time out alone with baby, feeling overwhelmed or that feeling of intense love and protection.

So, at Munchkin and Me®, to be able to sit and share just a little time with others who can empathise can make the world of difference.

This is why, at Munchkin and Me®, we actively try to encourage the grown-ups to chat and friendships to develop; we believe they can be life-long and even life-saving.

Both your and your little one’s emotional well-being truly matter to us and this is one of the little things about Munchkin and Me® that we hope makes a big difference.

Being new to the country I was very hesitant to join baby groups, but Rachel made me feel so welcome and comfortable that I decided to take my little girl to Munchkin and Me, this has been the best decision ever since it helped Kaira to develop her social skills and feel happy around kids her age. We both love going for these sessions and always look forward to it. This, however, wouldn’t have been possible without Ros who is ever so kind to take us to the sessions...

Thank you Rachel and Ros for your kindness and support.
— Munchkin Mum, Maria

A Tale of Five Mummies

Giorgia and George had a slightly alternative start to their Munchkin and Me® journey …. here’s their story 📚

  • When George was just a few weeks old, they joined our online zoom sessions during Covid-19 lockdown, meaning prolonged periods of social isolation for many people.

  • Through the online group, Giorgia met fellow first time mummy Jodie.. They began chatting, virtually 🖥, and were finally able to meet, in person, when we started up our ‘covid-secure’ sessions a few months later.

  • Despite the restrictions of masks they began chatting with Jess, Clare and Charlotte all of whom had similar aged babies.

  • Quickly the 5 and their Munchkins started meeting for coffee ☕️ , cake 🍰 and a good old natter! (*We try our best to select venues with somewhere for families to get refreshments on-site or nearby wherever possible*)

  • The friendship grew with group phone messages, days out and of course weekly Munchkin and Me sessions.

  • Their 5 little mini-munchkins are now fully fledged Story Explorers who love joining in the activities, actions, dancing, singing and getting messy together at Munchkin and me!

    And the mummies …. well I heard on the grapevine that a recent mummies night out could best be described as a different kind of ‘messy’ 😉 but ‘great fun was had by all!

Our FIVE Mums …! 🥂